Wednesday, September 28, 2022


 Acceptance is Key!

    Good Evening my beautiful people! The majority of us focus our attention on things that we have no control of. For example people will spend the time worrying about if it is going to snow tomorrow, or not. This is an example of a hypothetical worry, unless you can make a phone call to mother nature and tell her not to snow, we cannot make an impact on the outcome of what the weather brings. The only thing that we can control is accepting that the weather will do what it wants, especially if you live in the midwest, and how we react to it is also our choice. This goes for all situations in life, things will happen even if you don't want them to. The only thing you can do is accept the situation, even if you don't like the outcome, and determine what your reaction is going to be. Accepting situations no matter how you feel about the end result can be defined as radical acceptance. Once you master the skill of radical acceptance it will be a lot harder for outside situations to determine your emotions. Take a minute and think about a time that you should have, or have practiced radical acceptance and feel free to share it with me if you want to by commenting below, or sending me a message on one of my other accounts.

How Should You React?

    For most of us our reaction to things depends on how they make us feel and not based on logic or reason. These type of reactions can be very dangerous and unpredictable. In most cases when we react to emotions alone we have little to no control of our behavior. We don't give our brain time to process the situation and question what consequences our actions can bring. My suggestion is that no matter what happens in life we should always give ourselves at least 5 seconds to give a response. During these 5 seconds remember that no matter what you choose to do it will not change the outcome of what has happened. Also remind yourself that your uncontrolled behavior could lead to more negative feelings and situations down the road. For example if a driver cuts you off, you could choose to instigate a fight with that person, or you can radically accept the situation and understand no matter how you react you cannot change what has already happened. If you choose the first option it could lead to legal issues especially if you and the driver get into a physical altercation at the next red light. Whatever decision we make based on the situation determines our feelings and consequences in the future, but what it does not do, nor will it ever do is change the past. Take those five seconds and give a thought out and logically response no matter how the situation makes you feel.

Acceptance = Mental Freedom

    The most important thing I want you to take from today's blog is that when you practice radical acceptance you gain your power back from your feelings and gain more control of your mind. If we all can learn to accept the things that we cannot change we gain power over the decisions we make throughout our life. This is one of the most important tools that we have to battle our negative mindset, when all we see is negative then it results in negative emotions like depression, anxiety, shame, and so many more. Once you gain the power of your mind you begin to have what I like to call mental freedom. We will no longer let the little things bother us and will have full control over how we react. I challenge you to think of a situation where you reacted based on emotions, and ask yourself things would have been different if you took the time to analyze your decision before committing to your reaction.

Next Blog Sunday October 2nd!

    Thank you to everyone that read my blog and if you enjoyed today's content please leave a comment on what you enjoyed the most! Don't let someone's opinion, or a situation outside of your control dictate your mood. It's time that we all started to take our power back from our emotions and gain control of our mind. I loved writing today's blog because it is something that I used to struggle with on a consistent basis. As always feedback is appreciated, and I love you all! Until Next time ✌❤


  1. This was very insightful, thank you for taking the time to write this. I feel like taking a step back to think things through before reacting is hard to do when caught up in the moment, but your example of getting cut off on the road was a powerful depiction of that negative reaction spiral.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my post! It is something that can be uncomfortable at first, but you can practice this challenging your thoughts like I’ve talked about on my previous posts. I truly appreciate your feedback! I hope you have a blessed day!


Life Update!

 What's been going on?     Let me start off by apologizing for the lack of posting I have had a lot going on in my life and realize that...