Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Communicate Don't Insinuate

 Importance of Communication

    Hey there everybody! Welcome back to another one of my blogs, I hope my previous blogs have had some impact on your life. This blog is going to be dedicated to communicating your situation so other are not insinuating the worse. Communication is the difference between clear and concise orders in a job, or the difference in a night filled of arguments in a relationship. The way you communicate plays a major role in how the person you are talking perceives the conversation. If you are clear and concise with how you explain yourself the other person you are communicating with will have a better understanding of the message that you are trying to get across. However on the contrary, if you are not clear with how the message the other person may become confused and lead to them insinuating the worst from your conversation.

Never Insinuate, Ask for Clarification

     Insinuation is one of the worse habits that you can have as an individual who is trying to communicate with someone. Insinuating leads your brain to come up with the worse possible outcomes and have you spiraling out of control until you get a handle on it. For example, if you tell your spouse you went out with friends and you're going to be out late tonight your spouse may assume that you are out with friends that she doesn't know, or doesn't trust. This failure to clearly communicate can lead your spouse to assuming that you are cheating on them. From there it will only go downhill, nothing good  is going to come out of this scenario, you are going to become annoyed that she assumes that, and she is going to start to feel anxious and compare herself to every girl you talk to. There is no winning, besides it's not a competition in a relationship you want the other person to be able to trust and feel comfortable with you just as much as you want to trust and feel comfortable with them. Those feelings could be prevented if you would have clearly communicated who you were going out with and what you were doing, on the other hand it could have been prevented if they would have asked for clarification without assumption. the only that insinuation leads to is devastation on both ends.


    The easiest way to communicate is to remain honest and don't leave holes in your conversation to where the person you are talking to can fill those holes with assumptions. You want to be as clear as you can while leaving the discussion as simple as you possibly can to avoid confusion. If someone doesn't understand what you are saying then they can easily begin to insinuate the worse case scenario. For example if your boss ask you if you completed the project that was due yesterday, but your response is not fully. Your boss will start to assume that you haven't started the project, but in reality you are just waiting on a few references to get back to you to have the project fully completed. Instead of leaving your answer to vague statement you could say, the project is not finished I have completed all the steps, but am waiting on a response from (insert name here) once I receive the response the project will be completed. This answer will be more fulfilling to your boss than if you just said the project wasn't complete, it will show them that you are diligently working on completing the project. The way you converse shows a lot about you as a person, you never want to be the person that nobody wants to have a discussion, or conversation with because you don't communicate clearly. Communication can be the difference between getting fired and finally receiving that promotion that you have desired.

Next Blog Sunday 27 FEB

    I appreciate everyone that took the time to read another one of my blogs, communication plays a huge factor in loving yourself. If everyone sees as someone that is well spoken then they are going to go out of their way to communicate with you. This in return will boost your confidence and ultimately help you see yourself as the best version of who you can be. I will be writing another poem to share with you on next Sunday Fun day's blog.  I hope you enjoyed this weeks blog and as always your feedback is encouraged. Until next time 😁

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