One Small Change..Can Change Everything!
Why Forgiving yourself can change your life.
As Master Oogway once said in one of my favorite movies Kung Fu Panda " Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why it's called the present." You cannot spend your life living in anything besides the present moment. It is important for us to understand that when we try to focus our attention on the wrong moment of time we are doing nothing, but wasting our precious energy trying to control things that we cannot control. In this blog I am going to be discussing how I was able to let go of my past, and stop trying to control my future. I will give you a step by step instruction on how you too can forgive yourself and stay in the present moment. The present moment is where the magic happens, the decisions you make in the present decide your future.
The Future, Don't worry You'll get there soon.
Let's talk about the future for a second. Everyone is always saying in the future I am going to study more, or workout more, whatever their goal maybe at the time. Instead of saying in the future I will accomplish this, or do that they could be developing a plan to get them to their goal faster. Whether that is purchasing a planner, and committing one hour to study every day, or buying a workout journal and keeping track of their workouts and what they are working out that day. There are many ways to reaching your goal, but you can't do that if you spend too much time visioning your goal in the future. At some point every successful person put in the work in the present moment. They developed a routine that kept them on track in pursuit of their goal, they didn't just dream about it. I say that to say that I too was the person dreaming of a goal, but not putting the work in to achieving my goal. There's a quote in the book, The 5am Club by: Robin Sharma, that says "Nothing works for those who do not do the work." First if you haven't read this book I highly recommend reading this book and adopting these habits into your own life. Trust me, just like many of you reading this I was not doing the work. It wasn't until I applied those same habits into my own life that I started to notice a huge change. I was at peace, living in the moment, working out everyday, and meditating. That is when I stopped worrying about who I could be and started to be committed to changing who I am, so that I could become that person. I wouldn't have been able to do any of that if I never forgave myself for my past. That's why this next portion of the blog will include the one change that can change everything for you, just like it did me.
Yesterday is history. You can't change it.
The hardest thing for me to accept was not being able to change the past. If I would have done this I would be better off today, If I could only change that one decision I made. These thoughts consumed my life ten years after the tragic grain bin accident I discussed in my first blog. The thoughts alone would keep me up at night. That's when the guilt consumed me and I turned to drinking as my way to drown the thoughts, which only worked if I got blacked out drunk. I have two amazing children and a very supportive fiancee that had to witness me, in lack of better terms, kill myself. Have you ever felt that the past is holding on to you so tight that you can't move forward in your life? That's how I felt I couldn't focus on the present with my children and it wasn't until I made a vow to myself to lose my victim mentality that I started viewing the accident as a way of the universe, or God, whatever your spiritual belief maybe is telling me that I have a purpose to fulfill. I truly believe that purpose is helping you. I'm sure if you read this far you're probably starting to question what is the one change? That one change my friends is easier said than done, it is forgiving yourself. That is the only way you can truly leave the past in the past. If you forgive yourself for whatever mistake, or poor decision you made you can finally move forward and leave yesterday as history.
Forgive yourself today, be free tomorrow
How do I forgive myself for something I can't correct, or change? That's a great question, just like if you were to forgive someone else. You make a sincere apology, develop ways to prevent the action from happening again, and stay true to your word. It might sound weird apologizing to yourself, but I suggest that you write your apology down on a piece of paper. Underneath that apology write down everything you are holding against yourself, that you might hate yourself for. This took me awhile to accomplish, my list was very long and thought out I recommend you do the same. At the end of the paper write I forgive myself, over and over again, you'll know when to stop. Once you're done writing find a quiet place with a mirror and read it out loud. Then you'll start feel something "shift inside you" as Kamal Ravikant explained in his book "Love yourself like your Life depends on it". Another great read that I highly recommend, this where I developed this strategy, just made minor tweaks that I noticed help me feel a better connection for myself. After you feel the shift of energy inside you rip it up, burn the page, whatever you got to do to release those inner demons that have been holding on to you for so long. You did it. You forgave yourself it's not magic though your problems don't just disappear but you took the first step into changing your life. That's why I feel this is the most important step to take. Remember every journey starts somewhere and the you got rid of the only thing that is holding you back, the person you use to be.
Next Blog Monday 31 Jan 2022
I hope you are able to make that first step into changing your life for the better. Next weeks blog I will be discussing how commitment is the biggest attribute to have when you are trying to revamp your life. I will also be sharing with you the vow that I made to myself all thanks to reading Kamal Ravikants book "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On it." It was a pleasure chatting with you all today, and I look forward to hearing everyone's point of views on the topics I discussed. I am always going to be better than the day before, so if you have any suggestions for me please reach out and I would love to hear them.
Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog, I'll see you all on Monday. Until Next time 😁
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